Foster + Partners


Foster + Partners, Architects


To create images for the company website and for use in business tenders


This job was remarkable since there were very few challenges. This was because it was initiated by the senior partner of the office who saw it as an opportunity for a team building exercise. He explained the team was relatively new and this was a way of them to get to know each other in a different context.

The partner’s approach meant the staff were able to fully commit to being photographed and weren’t, for example. feeling obliged to return to their work as soon as possible. Like all my work, this was a collaboration. Each staff member was involved and as a consequence, the images shone. I was particularly pleased when one of the staff asked at the conclusion of the shoot whether  she could have portraits of herself with a white background. This signalled to me that she enjoyed the collaboration and trusted me.

The client was on a very tight deadline so 154 edited images were sent  within 24 hours.

Feedback from the client “Brilliant pics John! We’ve just had a team viewing…You can do it all again at the end of the year [in their new office]”.


Staff Portraits for Foster + Partners